Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Ernst von Glasersfeld discussed how knowledge is not transferred from one person, book, etc. to another person, but rather that the person interprets and senses the world around them. This is called constructivism. Glasersfeld talks about constructing knowledge rather than acquiring knowledge because he believes there isn't just one specific truth that we take in, but rather that we perceive what is happening around us and convert that into our own truth. Because no one perceives something in exactly the same way as someone else, what every person thinks of as truth is different. We each also go through different experiences so our knowledge of one topic or event could be completely different from another person's knowledge of that same topic or event. This is another way how different people have different ideas of what truth is. Experience plays a large role in not only supplying knowledge and our idea of truth, but also in changing it. We may think that the truth is one way of looking at a specific topic, but then our experience comes along and contradicts our idea of truth. We then have to change our idea of truth to match our new experience. This is how knowledge is constructed and not merely acquired through the transfer of information.

Constructivism can readily be applied in a mathematics classroom through the use of it in making sure students fully understand the idea being taught. Through the idea of constructivism and not being able to simply transfer knowledge from teacher to student, there must be a way to teach mathematics where students discover on their own and construct their own knowledge. Then the teacher needs to be responsible to test a student's knowledge and correct it. This will verify that the student's idea of knowledge and truth is the same as the teacher's knowledge and the rest of the math world's knowledge. I do not want to suggest one way to apply constructivism becauseI think there would be many possibilities of how to do this. Every student learns in a slightly different manner and would discover math knowledge in a different way. Students could make discoveries through doing practice problems in homework and having to explain how and why they did the things they did. This would provide them with a way to make an idea about how a certain algorithim is done. If the teacher sees a flaw in their explanation, he or she could give the student an example problem for the student to solve that will not give the correct answer if the student follows his or her own explanation. When the student solves and the problem and explains it again, he or she will have a new knowledge about that algorithim that matches more closely with that of the teacher. Experience would be changing the student's knowledge.


  1. I really like what you have to say over all. You did a great job of explaining Constructivism. I also like your ideas concerning your second paragraph. The only thing I don't like is when you refer to the teacher needing to be responsible for the students knowledge and needing to correct it if it is wrong. I don't think you meant it this way, but the way you said it suggest that the students knowledge can be changed by someone else, e.i. the teacher. The question I ask is, does the teacher change a students knowledge, or does the student change it? Yes, the teacher can guide a student to the right way of thinking, but you have said that someone has to construct their own knowledge, so who really changes the knowledge of the student?

  2. You had good points about constructivism and great ideas of how to apply it in the math classroom. Everyone's knowledge is slightly different, but there is still the ultimate truth out there.
